Tuesday, June 06, 2006

UK site: Can we help dying infidel?

Jihadist websites discuss 'dilemmas,' respond to London anti-terror operation by attacking 'filthy infidels'.
Internet sites run by young extremist Muslims in Britain and other Western countries have begun reacting to the anti-terror operation in London in which a 23 year-old suspect was shot.
"What filthy kuffar (infidels)," wrote one user on the Muntadaa jihadist forum. Similar messages expressing hatred for non-Muslims were echoed by other members of the site.

"There is little doubt left in the minds of the majority of Muslims that we are a community under siege," wrote Anjem Choudary, media secretary of the jihadist al-Ghurabaa website. "On the domestic front the British regime have brought in a range of draconian laws targeted specifically at Muslims and which facilitate the kind of oppressive tactics we saw employed on Friday (in the police raid)," Choudary said.

A protest against the shooting and arrests has also been organized by Islamist groups. "Make sure that you are there, we cannot watch the police shoot our brothers and remain silent!" A user said.

A leaflet advertising the protest, entitled "police target Muslims: Will you be next?" charged the British government with "occupying Muslim lands… the murder of innocent Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq, and (being) an active participant of torture experiments with the USA."
'Can we save dying infidel?'
Meanwhile, at the al-Ghurabaa website, a reader sent in a question, asking: "If a kaffir (infidel) is about to die on the road, can we help him?"
He was told that a dying 'infidel' could only be helped on the condition that he was called to Islam.

"If someone had covenant of security with the people he is living with, and the person was not at war with Islam and Muslims, it is allowed to help the person as part of his da'wah (Islamic spiritual awakening) to show his good character. But he must call him to Islam by it, and not do it out of love," the site's web team answered.

A man who wrote in to say he was offended by posters put up by the group in east London was told in response: "The way to better British
society is to remove all the British values and to teach the people the Islamic values. If it wasn't for the man-made way of life in britain, we would never have seen such high levels of crime, rape, alcoholism, homosexuality, adultery, theft, burglary, exploitation and terrorism in the UK and the world today! Rather we must continue to struggle and change the British way of life and introduce and teach the Islamic values to all, so that all the people in Britain can flourish."
Members with usernames such as Zarqawi, and the base (al-Qaeda) continue to fill English-speaking Islamist forums with jihad rhetoric.

Quoting an Islamic medieval scholar, one forum member wrote: "The Jews are the cursed nation whom Allah is angry with. They are the people of lies, fabrications, treachery, conspiracies, and are murderers of Prophets and Messengers."

The same post describes Christians as "misguided cross worshipers. They are those who swear at Allah the Creator… and their biggest curse against Allah is the Trinity. According to the Christians, Mary is the lover of Allah and Jesus is His son. They claim the Almighty God came down from his great chair and melted in the womb of Mary, until he was killed and buried at the hands of man…They drink alcohol, eat pork, desert circumcision, worship with impurity and eat everything, even if it is filthy, whether that be the elephant or the mosquito."

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